Things to do while waiting for a FastTrack quote

Underfloor heating blog

Waiting…. Nobody really likes

Want to know another thing that gets people’s goat? Having to explain yourself and your project over and over again.  You’re lucky; we understand that too, and so will the dedicated Technical Sales Adviser who will see your enquiry all the way through to the quote.

One point of contact; quick, easy, quality.

We’ve been thinking (wishfully for some of them) about things you could do in the time it takes us to get that quote back to you…. Make the most of your time, and go on, enjoy yourself because we’ve got the system covered!

1) Plan your next holiday

How long’s it been since the last one? If the answer’s too long then you know what to do!  According to the UK’s largest travel association, ABTA, almost 50% of holidays are now booked online, so get your smartphone out, get a brew on and prepare yourself for somewhere a little warmer!

2) Treat the other half

Those early mornings and late evenings can sometimes leave you struggling to find time to squeeze in a social life. Feel like you and your partner are becoming strangers in the night? As much as we love underfloor heating, we would much rather be wining and dining our partners! So get some plans made, and stick to them!

3) Head to the beach

There’s something slightly ironic about installing underfloor heating on a hot summer’s day, so what could be better than packing up early and heading to the beach while you wait for your quote.  We’ll give you a call before you even have

4) Learn a language

Ever find yourself saying ‘I wish I’d learnt that when I was younger?’  

According to the British Council, 62% of the population only speak English.

In three hours you could have installed a language app on your phone, learnt how to say ‘I love underfloor heating’ in another language, all in time to share your new found skills with our Technical Sales Adviser when they call back with your quote (although beware they might be part of the 62%!)

5) Tidy the van

Describe your van as organised chaos? You know where everything is, but your colleagues couldn’t locate a tacker gun if they tried?

Up to three hours gives you plenty of time to tidy your van and you’ll still feel like you’ve had a productive break!

6) Work out

Compromised the gym for a few extra hours’ work on site? According to the NHS adults should do at least 150 minutes of exercise a week.  Get your weekly dose in three hours; go for a run, do weight exercises or even dance to the radio!

7) Look through the latest tool catalogue and drool

Lets face it we all love a shiny new toy to play with.

8) Check out our blog

Last, but not least - check out our blog! From product information to technical advice, our blog is packed with underfloor heating tips and news.

Your FastTrack quote

To request a FastTrack quote, give us a call on 01566 772 322 or fill out an online request form.

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