Typical questions your customer may ask

Underfloor heating blog

“How can I reduce heat loss in my home?”

Working with underfloor heating systems you’ll find that you come face-to-face with this question. To try and help you out and to provide you with a source of information to help tackle these queries, check out our Typical Questions Your Customer May Ask series; starting with, “How can I reduce heat loss in my home?”

Underfloor heating

The application of underfloor heating insulation helps to prevent downward heat loss, below the underfloor heating pipe you will have insulation. This, combined with edge insulation around the outer perimeter of the room, can help to really lock that heat in and prevent it from being lost through the room.

Insulate roof and walls

Opting for loft cavity insulation is a great way to help lock heat in. Why not pass this on to your customer? A good way to tell if you are losing heat from your roof is to check your roof on a frosty morning; if there are areas without frost, then you need to get it insulated. To reduce the amount of heat escaping through walls, the same recommendation goes; opt for wall insulation. This helps to reduce the amount of air circulating, therefore minimising heat loss.

Insulate windows and doors

Windows and doors are awful for allowing heat to leak out, so opting for double or triple glazing is the best way to address this issue. The air between each pane of glass helps to reduce heat loss because air is a poor conductor of heat. Also, your customer can opt for caulking material around the window and door frame to help reduce the amount of heat escaping through the gaps around them.

We’re here to help

Customers are inquisitive; sometimes they a lot of questions. It’s always nice to be able to give a comprehensive answer, particularly as their appreciation can manifest itself through word of mouth business. So, keep tuning in to our blog as we continue to address some of the typical queries that a customer may ask.

If you would like to speak to our underfloor heating experts about our high quality underfloor heating systems, don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact us on 01566 772 322, or alternatively you can find us over on Facebook to keep up-to-date with all the Continal Underfloor news.

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