New build development

Underfloor heating case study

Products: SUPERflex-16™, AluPlate™ fit-from-below

Our customer came to us for a quote to supply underfloor heating across two floors of a number of newbuild properties.

The properties were all being built on the same site, but the project had an extremely tight turnaround time, and our customer needed to get the quote quickly in order to give his client a price for the work.

The customer had been struggling to find a manufacturer who would be able to provide a quote, and potentially the product itself, quickly, but he was referred to Continal® by a fellow tradesperson who had used our services before.

Knowing the tight timescales and the pressures the customer was under, we did the calculations and provided the complete quote within three hours, which gave him plenty of time to be able to assess the designs and make an informed decision before purchase.

We recommended an underfloor heating system comprising of SUPERflex-16™ pipe, alongside AluPlate™ fit-from-below plates, which can be fitted to the first floor, from below, after the floor has been laid.

“I use Continal® because you are professional, reliable, and deliver on time, and I knew you would be able to help me with this project.”

AluPlate™ was the perfect choice for this installation because the versatile plates allow for all joist spacings, and can be fixed firmly to the floor deck above without affecting the floor height. The AluPlate™ fit-from-below plates encapsulate our SUPERflex-16™ pipe, resulting in excellent pipe and floor deck contact for optimum heat transfer and performance.

Our customer was impressed with both the fast turnaround time of the quote, and the design itself, and so almost immediately approved the quote. We were then able to make arrangements for the system to be designed and dispatched in time to meet his client’s tight deadline.

Continal has been a leading UK design and supply specialist for energy-efficient warm-water UFH for more than 25 years. The company’s full range of UFH systems for solid floors, overfloor applications and joisted floors, as well as a full portfolio of controls and accessories, can be found at

UK's widest range of UFH systems

Designed to suit any type of heat source and enable UFH to be quickly and easily installed on any floor, with any type of floor covering. Our underfloor heating systems come with everything you need, delivered direct to site.